


一応今期受講する授業は全部受けました。5つあるんですけど、うち3つは私一人だけの受講で先生と一対一です。日本語教師が学生と一対一で授業やるっていうと私は結構やりにくいんですけど… 大学院の授業だったら話す話題が無限にあるから一対一でもあんまり先生は困ってる感じはなかったです。というかむしろ一人で先生独占できるかと思うと私としてはお得だなーと思ってます。







My First Week in Graduate School: Reflections and Challenges

This week, my classes began. I’m still a bit unsure whether “class” is the right term to use. There’s a general feeling around the building and among the professors that graduate students should take the initiative to pursue their research, so the term “class” seems a bit strange to me. It implies a one-way transmission of knowledge from the teacher. I’m not sure what the best term is, but I’ll stick with “class” for now.

Right away, I made about three friends who are Chinese international students. I still haven’t made any Japanese friends, but I find it easier to interact with foreigners. I feel like I can get closer to them more quickly because they’re more open and direct than Japanese people.

I’ve already attended all of the classes I’ll be taking this semester. There are five in total, and three of them are private one-on-one sessions with the teacher. I find it quite challenging to be a Japanese language teacher and teach one-on-one, but I guess the teacher doesn’t have too much trouble since there are endless topics to discuss in graduate school classes. In fact, I think it’s a bit of an advantage for me since I can monopolize the teacher’s time.

Most of our classes follow a format where I read a paper each week, present it in class, and then ask questions. This is not a typical class structure. In terms of Japanese language education, I guess it would be considered a “flipped classroom.” Apparently, this is a common format in graduate school. Up until now, I had been reading books and accepting everything they said as truth, thinking, “Oh, that’s interesting.” But from a research standpoint, that’s apparently not good enough. I’ve heard from multiple professors that academic work involves critical reading, raising questions, and thinking independently. I’m not used to this kind of reading style yet.

Honestly, I’m just looking to do research that will be helpful in my work and apply it back to my job. I have no intention of becoming a researcher in the future, at least not for now. But my professors say that the purpose of graduate school is to read various papers, learn about different methodologies, and develop the ability to critically evaluate them, regardless of whether one aims to become a researcher. They say that such skills can be useful in various aspects of life, not just academia. I guess I’ll have to keep doing weekly assignments, read critically, raise my own questions, and think independently.

I’ve also finally realized how amazing libraries are. There were so many times in the past when I wanted to read a book but couldn’t afford it. But at the library, they usually have the book I want, and I can borrow it for free. I had been stuck in the image of libraries from elementary school, thinking they were just places with various encyclopedias. But for graduate students, libraries are truly invaluable resources. I was also surprised by how many people were studying (or at least pretending to study) at the library.

I was introduced to so many books that I can’t even remember them all anymore. Here are a few:

  • Meikai Hōgen Gakujiten (明解方言学辞典): A comprehensive dictionary of Japanese dialects
  • Gengo Gakudaijiten (言語学大辞典): A comprehensive dictionary of linguistics
  • Nihongo no Sintaksu to Imi (日本語のシンタクスと意味): Syntax and semantics of Japanese
  • I’ll keep writing about my experiences in graduate school in this rough, unedited way.

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