Nouns (名詞, meishi)

  • Refer to people, places, things, concepts, etc.
  • Examples: 犬 (inu, dog), 学校 (gakkou, school), 愛 (ai, love)

Verbs (動詞, doushi)

  • Express actions, states, or occurrences.
  • Examples: 食べる (taberu, to eat), 行く (iku, to go), する (suru, to do)

Adjectives (形容詞, keiyoushi)

  • Describe nouns or other adjectives.
  • Examples: 大きい (ookii, big), 赤い (akai, red), 新しい (atarashii, new)

Adverbs (副詞ふくし, fukushi)

  • Modify verbs, adjectives, or other adverbs.
  • Examples: よく (yoku, well), 昨日 (kinou, yesterday), 速く (hayaku, quickly)

Conjunctions (接続詞, setsuzoku)

  • Connect words, phrases, or clauses.
  • Examples: そして (soshite, and), しかし (shikashi, but), または (mata wa, or)

Particles (助詞, joshi)

  • Indicate the grammatical function of words in a sentence.
  • Examples: は (wa), が (ga), を (o), に (ni)

Interjections (感動詞, kandoushi)

  • Express emotions or reactions.
  • Examples: ああ (aa, oh), うわー (uwaa, wow), ええー (eee, eh)

Pronouns (代名詞, daimeishi)

  • Take the place of nouns.
  • Examples: わたし (watashi, I), あなた (anata, you), 彼 (kare, he)

Prepositions (前置詞, zenyoshi)

  • Show the relationship between a noun or pronoun and another word in the sentence.
  • Examples: 〜から (kara, from), 〜まで (made, until), 〜と (to, with)

Determiners (連体詞, renteishi)

  • Modify nouns to indicate quantity or specificity.
  • Examples: この (kono, this), その (sono, that), どの (dono, which)

Auxiliary verbs (助動詞, jodooshi)

  • Combine with other verbs to express modal or aspectual meaning.
  • Examples: 〜ことができる (koto ga dekiru, can), 〜なければならない (nakereba naranai, must), 〜たい (tai, want to)

Quotative particles (引用助詞, inyou joshi)

  • Indicate the beginning or end of a quote.
  • Examples: 曰く (いわく, iwak), と (to)

Sentence-final particles (終助詞, shuujoshi)

  • Indicate the speaker’s attitude or intent.
  • Examples: ね (ne), よ (yo), か (ka)


  • There are also other parts of speech in Japanese, such as numerals, onomatopoeia, and mimetics.

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